This is what we did today in Lydia’s version:
First, we woke up
and ate breakfast for breakfast I had noodles and cereal. Then we went to a hospital
and Ruthie got a shot and her eyes checked. Also, the doctor asked my dad if Ruthie
was smart and my dad said the people in the orphanage were saying she was smart
plus she has been very smart. So, the doctor asked her 2 questions and said she
was smart. Then we got Subway and sat outside for a picnic then Me and Ruthie
fed some fishes. After that wet took a nap but I did not take a nap instead I
listen to a book and wrote part of the blog.
When the alarm went off at 8am this morning, I really didn’t know
what hit me! We had arrived at the hotel, checked in and found jammies and were
in bed around 3am this morning. I really wasn’t feeling it this morning when we
had to get up, but I pulled myself out of bed and took a shower and got
We headed down to breakfast, which was another buffet of endless
choices. Lydia ate noodles with TONS of garlic on them. I could smell her
across the elevator when we came back up to the room! There were plenty of other
choices to eat that the rest of us got. There wasn’t a lot of time to spend
eating, so we made our choices quick, ate and came back up to the room to
finish getting ready.
At 10am, we met our guide in the lobby to take us to the medical
appointment. I was pretty nervous that MeiMei would be sick on the way there,
since it was the same time of day that it first and second happened the past
few days. Brian was ready with a bag, just in case, but we made it the 20
minutes to the appointment without incident. 😊 Yeah! Thank you, Lord. This van has seats
that ride a little higher, and I also gave her half a Bonine. I’m still a
little nervous, but hopefully it doesn’t happen again! (She was fine on the
plane – she slept the whole time.)
The medical appointment went pretty quickly. We only had to wait a
few minutes for everything to start. Lydia, Brian, and MeiMei went in to the
different exam rooms. In one of the rooms, the doctor asked Brian if she was
smart. Brian said that her teachers at the orphanage said she was. The doctor
said she would check, asked her 2 questions, and confirmed with Brian that she
is, in actuality, smart! If only the people in America knew it only takes 2
questions…My job as a teacher would be much easier. 😊 One of the things that MeiMei had to have
was a TB test. They wouldn’t let us go into the room for that. They give her a
shot and depending on how that area looks tomorrow, we’ll know if there needs
to be further testing. After that, she came out and I had to put pressure on the
injection area for 5 minutes. I’m not sure what that is all about, but she did
sit on my lap for a whole 5 minutes. I was feeding her candy, so that probably
made me bearable too!
After the TB test, we headed back to the hotel. Our guide checked
our paperwork and made sure we had everything, got copies of MeiMei’s passport
for us, so we’re all set for our appointment at the consulate on Monday.
We decided to take a walk and find lunch. When we came back from
the medical appointment, our guide pointed out where we could get some food,
shop, etc. There was a Subway and Lydia thought that sounded good. So off we
went to find Subway. Because of where the hotel is located, and the main
clientele, this area caters to Westerners. There are many people who work in the
stores and restaurants who know English and the menus are available in English
too. I was surprised when I ordered the subs that I could do it in English. It
was nice to be able to communicate a little more than was possible in Huhhot.
Since we aren’t eating raw vegetables, the subs were a little sparse. Lydia
enjoyed her favorite tuna, while the rest of us had meat and cheese with
pickles and olives. We also stopped at 7 Eleven to get some drinks, chips, and
of course, a little chocolate.
It’s so nice here in Guangzhou. It was in the 70s today, which
feels like heaven to me. We decided to make a picnic of our lunch today. We’re
staying at the Garden Hotel that is aptly named because of the garden in the
back. There’s a huge koi pond, flowers, trees, waterfalls, and just a wonderful
relaxing place. That’s where we ate our lunch. The girls loved watching the
fish and they fed them a little extra of the bread from the sandwiches. The
fish were piling on top of each other to get to the food. MeiMei LOVED watching
them. We’re excited to take her to the safari park here, since she is so
interested in the few animals we’ve seen.
After lunch, we thought a nap was in order since we had such a
short night. I fell asleep right away, but I guess it took MeiMei a while to
fall asleep. By the time the two of us woke up, it was after 5pm. Whoops!
MeiMei came to us wearing fashion boots, which look cute, but
aren’t so great for walking in. We had seen an H&M across the street, so we
thought we’d check and see if they had any shoes that might work better. They
did have some clearance shoes for 20 RMB (about $3), so we got some shoes that
will hopefully be a little more comfortable for her. She also wanted some hair
clips with Hello Kitty. Lydia LOVED Hello Kitty when she came home. I just
couldn’t resist, plus they were on clearance for about $1, so she has some new,
cute barrettes to wear. We headed down the street to find some place for supper
(even though it felt like we had just eaten lunch!). There was a place
advertising noodles and rice. Of course, there aren’t any restaurants in China
that serve noodles and rice, so we HAD to try it. I didn’t really care because
I figured I wouldn’t eat anything anyway. It was a great little place with
cheap eats that the girls liked a lot. Upon looking at the menu, I discovered
that they had broccoli. You know I’ve been really wanting vegetables, so I
order the broccoli. It was so good – and it’s not just me. Brian ate some and
said it was the best broccoli that he’d tasted. I’m not sure what they did to
it, but it was really good. I’m totally in favor of eating there again!
We also met another adoptive family that was eating there and
staying in our hotel. In the lobby of the hotel, we ran into a few other
families and found out where some good restaurants are, where the play room is
and other good tips. We ended up going up to the play room to burn off a little
energy. Another adoptive family was there with their 5 kids and Lydia and
MeiMei played for a while.
We came back to the room and played hide-and-seek. This room is
ridiculously big – 2 bathrooms, a bedroom, living room, office/workout room,
and walk in closet, so it’s a little better place to find hiding places. They
had fun doing that. MeiMei sat on the couch and counted before she went to find
Lydia and me. She counted all the way to 100 in Chinese. I was so impressed, I
almost came out of my hiding spot to tell her what a great job she did. We’ll
definitely have to get that on video!
It was late, so we got the girls in bed and now it’s almost
midnight and I’m typing this blog. We don’t have anything to do, except have
the TB test checked tomorrow. If everything is good, that’s all that we need to
do for that. We’re looking forward to sleeping in, if Lydia cooperates. 😊
Our Family |
Subway in the Garden |
Watching the fish |
Who doesn't love noodles? |
Mama would rather have broccoli! |
More noodles! |
MeiMei loves her Baba |
Playroom |
View from our 25th floor hotel room |
So fun to especially read Lydia's account of the day!! That picture of Ruthie and Brian is precious!! We are really getting excited now. It is less than a week till you all are home!! Have a good sleep tonite and a fun day tomorrow!!